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When MetaMask is connected and the network with ID = 1 (Mainnet or RabbitHole) is chosen, the “RabbitHole transaction” option is displayed in the confirmation swap window. When the user selects the “RabbitHole transaction,“ an additional pre-selected option called “Rabbit“ appears in the gas settings:

  • The price for a gas unit is twice as high as that for the “Aggressive“ option to make sure that the transaction is successful;
  • All other gas options are also available.

When the user hovers over the info icon, the following tooltip is displayed: RabbitHole transactions wouldn't appear in the Ethereum mempool. That protects your transaction from sandwich attacks. RabbitHole transactions require higher fees that are paid directly to the mining pool.

The front-end can distinguish, to which network MetaMask is connected, the Ethereum Mainnet or the RabbitHole, despite they have the same ID:

  • At the moment of MetaMask connection, the dApp sends a viewCall request to the node that interacts with the blockchain (this request only gets information from the blockchain, without making any changes) at the address; request
  • Depending on the response, the front-end detects, which network is connected. If the RabbitHole is connected, the response is '0xeeeeeeee';
  • Every 10 seconds, the front-end sends a viewCall request in the background to check if the network hasn’t changed;
  • If the network is detected as “RabbitHole,“ the title is displayed in the network selector instead of Ethereum Mainnet but the icon remains the same as for Ethereum;